
Watch, enjoy, dance to and be inspired by Just Something’s new music video, Holy Spirit! Video produced courtesy of HB5! Just Something Music – HB5 Music, Videos and All Things Creative Studio (


Tired of COVID? Is it impacting your band’s ability to get together and create music? Watch this video on how you can produce a music video while still social distancing! 4 EAST STEPS to MAKE a MUSIC VIDEO!


First, let me say this – This post assumes you own all of the rights to or have a license to use any audio you intend to use in your videos. If you are doing video editing for […]


Wondering what video editing program to use? There are many free options available including programs like Lightworks, HitFilm, Movie Maker, etc… And many paid programs with free options. Search online and you can find and test out different […]


If you are getting started with video editing or maybe you’ve been editing for awhile, you may be wondering what is the best camera to use to capture footage. Unless you are a professional – and if you […]